I went out for a lovely dinner last night. It was lovely for many reasons; the food was
good, we sat outside on a clear summer evening and my friend was paying. Now
anyone with any sense of propriety knows you don’t argue with the person paying
the bill. This is standard etiquette, right? But having grown up in a barn,
fallen off a turnip truck and been absent when God handed out sense (all things I have been accused of over
the years) I proceeded to take my patron for a jolly ride into Nancyland.
She’d been sharing her love for The Law of Attraction and
telling me about how she prayed every day to have calm clients and a wonderful,
peaceful day. My inner-contrarian wanted to shout “but that’s all bull-shit” in
that tactful and sensitive way I have about me. Instead I asked if it had worked, had all her client’s
been calm that day? What about the next day? ‘Cause if all I had to do was pray
to get what I want, if it actually works, then whoo-hoo, I’ll be rolling in
millions and having sex with Ewan McGregor tonight!
Wouldn’t we all love to have the magic formula for
controlling our outcomes? Wouldn’t it be great if we got exactly what we asked
for? Uh, no. My two year old longed to play in the street. He thought it was
absolutely the Best place for him. Did I listen to his pleas and prayers? Uh,
No. The streets are a dangerous place to play in and so is life.
I believe that in the cosmic scheme of things I am two years
old. I long to play in the street, have my cake and eat it too and have sex
with Ewan McGregor (I am a sexually precocious two-year-old.) Luckily, I have a
Higher Parent who says no (let’s call her Mimi) and if I am smart I listen to
Mimi. If not –giant trucks roll over my life.
But Nancy, you
say, you’re a 12 stepper, doesn’t your 11th
step tell you to pray and meditate to a higher power? Why yes it does, you
clever person you. But finish the step –it tells me to “pray for knowledge of
Mimi’s will for me and the power to carry that out.” (Not all the signs say
Mimi, but you get the drift.)
My job is to put aside my Ego, my “want-a-nator” and ask
what Mimi wants for me and power to do that shit. But, you ask again because you weren’t born yesterday, on a turnip
truck or in a barn and so have the natural skepticism of the discerning mature
adult, what if Mimi wants you to do
something you find boring? That would be a problem, I agree.
But Mimi wants what’s BEST for me, not what’s easy. I trust
Mimi and not out of “faith” but because of the cold, hard facts. The life my
ego chose for me was not so good. My ego still wants to lead me a merry dance
and it never ends well. When I listen to Mimi I cruise the Wu Wei with Pooh on
my way to happiness. (For those not getting the last reference please read “The
Tao of Pooh” it will clear a lot of things up.)
In Taoisn the Wu Wei means “without doing, causing or making”.
It means, to me, flowing With the river instead of Pushing the river. I have a black
belt in river pushing, making things go MY WAY!! I want it so I will MAKE it
happen. And though as a member of the
human race it is very difficult to admit this, I am usually wrong. Not that I
didn’t learn something from my three failed marriages, my bankruptcy’s, losing
my house, my car and my shit (literal and figurative). I did learn valuable lessons.
The biggest one; don’t listen to Nancy, she doesn’t know what she’s doing.
Does it mean I no
longer make ego mistakes? Au contraire mon ami, it just means I recognize it a
little earlier than I used to. It now takes 4 days to recognize my ego at play
rather than 4 years. In other words, I no longer marry the mistake.
Recent example; the web series. I pushed that river right
around the bend. Did it work? Nope. Not even close. I’ve been down about it,
can’t lie, but then I realized I didn’t really like shooting film stuff. I love
the thrill of an audience. I want to make people laugh, cry, think and be there
while they do it. So why did I push so hard to make the web series happen? Ego.
Pure and simple. I thought more people would see it, I would be discovered, ink
a 3 picture development deal, move to LA and have sex with Ewan McGregor.
In other words, I had no Good reason to do it. I didn’t like
filming it. I didn’t like writing it in choppy segments. It wasn’t giving me
That’s how I can tell if my Ego is running things or if Mimi
is. Mimi is a lot of fun. She gives me joy and passion. My Ego gives me hurt
feelings, massive fuck-ups and bruised –well –egos. When I’m cruising the Wu
Wei things fall into place. It’s like magic and we all love magic, right?
Recent example; I’ve been thinking, seriously, about
becoming a Life Coach so I started asking Mimi for some sign about what was
next for me. I’m pretty demanding of Mimi but she doesn’t seem to care, she
indulges my little whims, my need to have proof of her existence. So I do my 11th step prayer work,
ask for knowledge and let it go.
So I’m looking for some sign about the coaching thing but
instead on Sunday, one of the guys I work with tells me he wants to stake me in
putting together a dinner theater here in Wilsonville. He wants to know if
$20,000 would be enough. He’s serious. Now Mimi (and Boyce) could just be yanking
my chain but hey, if that ain’t a sign, I don’t know what is. And as I told my
friend last night I could not have planned to start a theater company this way.
Can you imagine if I had told any of you that my plan was to start a theater
company but working at a Toyota dealership where I would meet a guy who loved
the theater and wanted to give me money. You would have rolled your eyes. Am I
right? I’m right. I would too.
So he wants to do something for Christmas. Anybody got some
good ideas? Bonus points if it includes me having sex with Ewan McGregor.
Sounds fun! I wanted to do a hot chocolate buffet when I was working with my company in Colorado Springs. Do something Christmassy and then during intermission offer a gourmet hot chocolate buffet for refreshments. Mint, whipped cream, cinnamon sticks, cookies and donuts. Very family-friendly show...The littlest angel, a funny version of a Christmas Carol, a brand new show about magic and adventure. I would love to write a version of the Snow Queen (not Christmassy, but very Winter-y)...